نقوم بتحديث جميع الكتب لتتوافق مع أحدث طبعة لعام 2024


Direction des Examens et des Concours

Service des Examens BEPC 2020

Epreuve d’anglais


Write five (5) sentences talking about changes that happen, in your lifestyle (eating habits, clothing, entertainment, communication … etc.) use “used to” and an-infinitive.

Start like this, when I was a child, I used to ………………

or When I was a child, I used to ………..

Complete the sentence with either an adverb or an adjective

That test wasn’t ………………………………………….. (easy/easily)

I can’t sit ………………………………………….. (comfortable/comfortably) on this chair.

I always finish so ………………………………………….. (quick/quickly).

You should try to write more ………………………………………….. (slow/slowly).

When don’t you organize your work ………………………………………. (different/differently)?

Download the exam in PDF format

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