نقوم بتحديث جميع الكتب لتتوافق مع أحدث طبعة لعام 2024

English exam answers  BEPC2020


Five Sentences:

1- When I was a child, I used to eat a lot of junk food, but now I tend to eat more vegetables and lean protein.

2- When I was a teenager, I used to wear baggy clothes, but now I prefer more fitted and tailored styles.

3- When I was younger, I used to watch a lot of TV for entertainment, but now I prefer reading books or going for walks.

4- When I was in college, I used to communicate with my friends mainly through text messages, but now I prefer video calls and social media.

5- When I was working in an office, I used to sit at a desk all day, but now I try to stand or walk around more often to avoid sitting for long periods of time.

  1. That test wasn’t easy.
  2. I can’t sit comfortably on this chair.
  3. I always finish so quickly.
  4. You should try to write more slowly.
  5. Why don’t you organize your work differently?

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